Walker's Story
To help defray Walker's $650 donation cost, please click here:
Sweet Walker was found at a county kill shelter in the south, with a massive mammary tumor. The tumor was so large that it dragged on the ground when she walked, rubbing her skin raw. A local group pulled her from the shelter and took her to the vet for surgery, not knowing where they would get the funds for the procedure. Upon learning that they were trying to raise funds for her, Tails of Hope donated $650 to her care.
The intense surgery, complete with a blood transfusion for all she’d lost, was risky, but an absolutely necessity for her longtime quality of life. Walker pulled through like a champ! The surgeon said that the tumor weighed 8 pounds, a huge weight for a dog of Walker’s size. She has since made a full recovery.
Without organizations to advocate for dogs like Walker, there is often no chance of getting out of the shelter alive. Fortunately, Walker beat those odds!